The air transport sector has always been characterized by being at the forefront of technology. Vanguard not only in terms of aeronautical technology applied to aircraft, but also in information technologies that allow companies to be in business and become more competitive.

In fact, nowadays it is not possible to conceive an airline without an important component in information technology, since the procedures that define its business are strongly standardized by international organizations that require the automation and computerization of many of them, such as protocols, coding systems and information systems in common use.

Airport handling is the set of services provided to airlines at airports. This includes passenger services (such as check-in, patient care, protocol, baggage …), loading and unloading services, maintenance, aircraft cleaning, information on in-flight operations, passenger transport on the tarmac.

In addition, given the complexity of the operation in this sector, where factors of a very diverse nature intervene such as labor regulations, connecting flights, airport limitations, aircraft maintenance, heterogeneous rates, etc., without the support of Information systems make it very difficult to ensure an optimized operation that takes advantage of resources so that the benefit of the operation is the maximum possible.

CODICE Technologies makes a global solution available to its customers by offering a wide catalog of products that solve a large part of the technological needs of this type of company.