In the last decades there has been a spectacular social, economic and topographic growth in all the great urban areas. This great expansion forces to improve day by day those infrastructures that allow citizens to have efficient alternatives to private transport.

In the field of passenger transport, the increase in demand in the last decade and the increase in mobility needs have led to an exponential increase in the quality of the services demanded by users.

The application in this sector of new technologies represents an important advance for transport companies and greatly facilitates the tasks of route planning and optimization of their own resources.

CODICE understands that this area has several differentiated business visions regarding the nature of the service, and offers different work options adapting to the type of trip:

  • Regular service, they have a specific frequency and itinerary, they pick up and drop off travelers at previously set stops.
  • Discretionary Service, is “at the discretion” to the destination that the user chooses and in the hours that the user requires.

CODICE Technologies makes a global solution available to its customers by offering a wide catalog of products that solve a large part of the technological needs of this type of company.