
FENEBÚS will celebrate the days 28 and 29 of the next october, in Hotel Alicante Golf in San Juan(Alicante) the «XXIII Coach and Bus National Week», a gala with great prestige and tradition in the transport of passengers sector, accredited by its more than 40 years of existence.

During the two days of the Congress it will be debated: Evolution of the regular lines contest system, road transport of passengers at local and regional level, collaborative consume: shared car, the future of the passengers transport in Spain and financing of the bus infrastructures such as stations and bus-lanes through Juncker plan.

CODICE will be present and will have a stand where it will show all the advantages of the evolution of its systems.

The most remarkable novelties of CODICE 2 are: the new offer management modulus in discretional service, with cartographic management of the trips and the fleet management module.

The modulus for the discretional service planification allows to manage those cases in which in addition of a regular service the company must plan last-minute services of discretional kind.

Through this modulus the user can register the new services that must program indicating with what periodicity it has to be planned. Así por ejemplo el usuario puede crear viajes que se tienen que programar en un día en concreto o viajes que se deben programar todos los miércoles entre dos fechas dadas. El sistema permite además que el usuario añada a cada viaje toda la información complementaria que se necesite para gestionar correctamente el servicio como por ejemplo información necesaria para su facturación (cliente, presupuesto,…) o información adicional que sea necesario comunicarle al conductor.

Por otro lado el módulo de asignación y seguimiento de la flota permite manualmente controlar el estado de la flota de vehículos de la compañía y la asignación de turnos de conducción a cada vehículo.

El usuario puede mediante este módulo controlar las características de la flota, la asignación de trabajo a cada vehículo y en consecuencia las variables más importantes de cada vehículo como son los kilómetros recorridos.

Os esperamos los días 28 y 29 de octubre.

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FENEBÚS will celebrate the days 28 and 29 of the next october, in Hotel Alicante Golf in San Juan(Alicante) the «XXIII Coach and Bus National Week», a gala with great prestige and tradition in the transport of passengers sector, accredited by its more than 40 years of existence.

During the two days of the Congress it will be debated: Evolution of the regular lines contest system, road transport of passengers at local and regional level, collaborative consume: shared car, the future of the passengers transport in Spain and financing of the bus infrastructures such as stations and bus-lanes through Juncker plan.

CODICE will be present and will have a stand where it will show all the advantages of the evolution of its systems.

The most remarkable novelties of CODICE 2 are: the new offer management modulus in discretional service, with cartographic management of the trips and the fleet management module.

The modulus for the discretional service planification allows to manage those cases in which in addition of a regular service the company must plan last-minute services of discretional kind.

Through this modulus, the user can register new services that must program indicating how often it has to be planned. Thus, for example, the user can create trips that have to be planned on an specific day or trips planned every wednesday between given dates. The system also permits the user to add to each journey the complementary information needed to succesfully manage the service, for example, information needed for the billing (client, budget, …) or additional information that needs to be communicated to the driver.

On the other hand, the assignment and tracking modulus of the fleet allows manually to control the status of the vehicles fleet of the company and the driving shifts assignment for each vehicle.

The user, through this modulus can control the caracteristics of the fleet, the work assignments for each vehicle and, in consequence, the most important variables of each vehicle such as kilometers traveled.

We wait for you on October 28 and 29.

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[blankspace height=»20″][:fr]Fenebus_2015_lateral

FENEBÚS will celebrate the days 28 and 29 of the next october, in Hotel Alicante Golf in San Juan(Alicante) the «XXIII Coach and Bus National Week», a gala with great prestige and tradition in the transport of passengers sector, accredited by its more than 40 years of existence.

During the two days of the Congress it will be debated: Evolution of the regular lines contest system, road transport of passengers at local and regional level, collaborative consume: shared car, the future of the passengers transport in Spain and financing of the bus infrastructures such as stations and bus-lanes through Juncker plan.

CODICE will be present and will have a stand where it will show all the advantages of the evolution of its systems.

The most remarkable novelties of CODICE 2 are: the new offer management modulus in discretional service, with cartographic management of the trips and the fleet management module.

The modulus for the discretional service planification allows to manage those cases in which in addition of a regular service the company must plan last-minute services of discretional kind.

Through this modulus the user can register the new services that must program indicating with what periodicity it has to be planned. Así por ejemplo el usuario puede crear viajes que se tienen que programar en un día en concreto o viajes que se deben programar todos los miércoles entre dos fechas dadas. El sistema permite además que el usuario añada a cada viaje toda la información complementaria que se necesite para gestionar correctamente el servicio como por ejemplo información necesaria para su facturación (cliente, presupuesto,…) o información adicional que sea necesario comunicarle al conductor.

Por otro lado el módulo de asignación y seguimiento de la flota permite manualmente controlar el estado de la flota de vehículos de la compañía y la asignación de turnos de conducción a cada vehículo.

El usuario puede mediante este módulo controlar las características de la flota, la asignación de trabajo a cada vehículo y en consecuencia las variables más importantes de cada vehículo como son los kilómetros recorridos.

Os esperamos los días 28 y 29 de octubre.

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